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Useful Tips When Tuning Your Guitar
As a beginner you may find that tuning is very difficult and very frustrating. You can tune your guitar with an electronic tuner, which is pretty straight forward, and will save you time initially. Just make sure that when you are more confident to tune your guitar yourself, you try to move on to relative tuning methods, otherwise you will not develop a musical ear. Do not neglect learning the skill of tuning for yourself, as it is great for developing your ear. New guitarists tend to break a lot strings by tuning too far.
The goal of tuning is to put your strings in tune with each other. Remember to tune up by increasing the string tension. If you tune too far give the string a lot of slack and start the process again. Match the pitch of each string as closely as you can. Once you have that first note you proceed in an orderly manner tuning one string after another. Once you have tuned all six strings, go back and check them again.
No matter how well you're playing, you just can't sound good if your guitar isn't tuned properly. What is the point of playing a great piece of music if it is completely out of tune? To keep your guitar strings alive for as long as possible, wipe your strings with a cloth after playing and keep your hands clean. Factors such as regular playing, accidental movement of the tuning keys, and weather or atmospheric conditions can all cause a guitar to go from being perfectly tuned to being out of tune. Even if the guitar isn't severely out of tune, it's good practice to tune it anyway, and no amount of good playing can make an out of tune guitar sound good.